A book for children about bullies... great illustrations and rhymes!
Writes author and world-renowned therapist Melinda Vail:
"I have written this book as a labor of love for all kids who have ever suffered at the hands of a bully.
"As a parent I have witnessed bullying first hand and now as a grandparent my six-year-old grandchild and his friends are wrestling with an older child who is calling them names and throwing sand at them.
We have to teach our children to be better, to do better, and to accept diversity if we ever want to get out of the cycle of violence that is present in society today.
I hope this little book might help a child with a different perspective and I pray that someday we can all be "as one" as a human race."
If You Could See Inside of Me is available as a hard copy book and eBook in all formats for all readers on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online bookstores.
It is also available for ordering at your favorite brick & mortar bookstore!
"As a retired educator, I am well aware of the importance of having appropriate books and literature available to use when engaging students in critical thinking about relevant issues.
"Books such as If You Could See Inside of Me not only open the door for discussion, but also by using simple yet direct language and drawings, they allow for having these conversations at a level appropriate to the reader."
—Steve Schiro, M.Ed, Gifted/Psychology
"I have witnessed first-hand the damage bullying has on a child’s ability to learn, their self-esteem, and their self-worth.
"By reading this book, children can understand that it really isn’t about them; it is about the life-situation of the bully.
"They will be able to understand the feelings of children who are being bullied, which will help them to not become bullies.
"Thank you for writing this book. It will have a very positive impact on our children and our society as a whole.
I can’t wait to use it and share it with others!
—Cindy Nixon, Director of School Engagement, Arizona/New Mexico Project Lead The Way, Inc.
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Buy If You Could See Inside of Me from Kobobooks
Melinda Vail lives and works in Tempe, Arizona, where she maintains a successful practice as the leading intuitive therapist in the Southwest.
She is also a certified hypnotherapist, lecturer, and author of The Other Side of the Vail, and Morning Musings by Melinda.
Melinda’s additional certifications include: Three Stages of Healing, Victims of Sexual Trauma, and Advanced Training as a Childhood Trauma.
Melinda has been a member of the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists since 1996 and is a member of the Arizona Society for Professional Hypnosis. Her website is MelindaVail.com.
Other Dandelion Books by Melinda Vail:
Diary of a Mad Medium: A Guide to Understanding Karmic Profile