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Beijing Olympics – Tibet Uprising – The ghosts of Tiananmen Square

The Beijing Olympics, scheduled to open August 8, 2008, are providing a perfect freedom platform for the current Tibetan uprising.

The games are also dredging up 1989 Tiananmen Square memories of Chinese Government bulldozers rolling over student anti-Communist protestors.

Writes an anonymous reporter of the China Economist:

"Chinese shopkeepers in Lhasa's old Tibetan quarter knew better than the security forces that the city had become a tinder-box. As word spread rapidly through the narrow alleyways on March 14th that a crowd was throwing stones at Chinese businesses, they shuttered up their shops and fled.

"The authorities, caught by surprise, held back as the city was engulfed by its biggest anti-Chinese protests in decades."

Beijing Olympics "Years of rapid economic growth, which China had hoped would dampen separatist demands, have achieved the opposite. Efforts to integrate the region more closely with the rest of China, by building the world's highest railway connecting Beijing with Lhasa, have only fuelled ethnic tensions in the Tibetan capital."

Reporting in USA Today (March 21, 2008): "Don't expect to turn on your TV during the Beijing Olympics and see live shots of Tiananmen Square, where Chinese troops crushed pro-democracy protests nearly two decades ago.

"Apparently unnerved by recent unrest among Tibetans and fearful of protests in the heart of the capital, China has told broadcast officials it will bar live television shots from the vast square during the Beijing Olympics.

Seeds - Thomas

In 2002, Dandelion Books issued Seeds of Fire: China and the Story of the Attack on America, by internationally celebrated investigative reporter, Gordon Thomas.

The book contains a first-hand account of the Tiananmen Square uprising. Hours after it was published, the CIA confirmed that key documents in Seeds of Fire – secret briefing papers by the agency on the threat China poses – were accurate.

Thomas was immediately booked on all the major media networks and books were flying out of the warehouse. Seeds soared upward on the Amazon sales rank list, landing among the Top Ten.

Less than a week later, the books media bookings were cancelled and the books were removed from brick and mortar bookstores.

For a full information sheet of official documents and other information revealed in Seeds of Fire, click here.

Read Gordon Thomas’ first-hand account of the Tiananmen Square Uprising… and more!

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