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Ghost writing fees -- why are they so high?

Ghost writing fees can seem outrageous to someone who has never considered writing a book "from scratch."

It doesn't matter if the work is fiction or non-fiction; it is still a major project.

Add to this the task of impersonating someone else. A ghostwriter has to get to know their client not only superficially; they must also learn how that person expresses themselves.

Ghost writing requires experiential training

This type of sensitive discovery work cannot be learned by taking journalism or creative writing courses. I would like to say, in fact that it is shamanistic in nature.

Shamans heal by going inside themselves to find the "soul path" or healing journey of the person they're working with.

Likewise, a professional ghostwriter goes inside to access the energy path within themselves that will "holographically" link them to the inner life of their client.

Even if a project is technical in nature, the requirements are the same because a human being is behind the work.

It is that human energy that the ghostwriter is working with as it manifests in the form of written material that must be organized and developed for a targeted readership.

The "holographic" part of this process is the key to success--and is the reason why ghost writing fees of an experienced professional will equal those of a sought-after attorney, medical doctor, architect, etc.

Our holographic universe

I use the term "holographic" to refer to the fact that we are not only all connected, but also, we are all One. Those who have embarked on advanced studies that include the work of David Boem, Michael Talbot and Karl Pribram are quick to understand that in order to achieve this oneness with a client, an experienced ghostwriter must resonate with that person's energy field.

A musician or orchestral conductor fully understands this process when they perform the compositions of another musician.

They must become one with the artists who has given birth to this music. The same can be said of a good poetry reader or actor. The performer expands beyond themselves and embraces the energy field of the person behind the work or, in the case of theater, behind the character.

For more information about ghost writing fees, click here.

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