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The Making of a Master:
Tracking Your Self-Worth

By Jeanette O’Donnal
ISBN 1-893302-36-9

If you want to improve the quality of your life and REALLY go for your goals, this book is for you.  Teacher and healer, Jeanette O’Donnal shares many ancient secrets or “keys” for opening the doors to greater happiness, self-fulfillment and personal excellence. By learning to use these keys, you will be amazed to discover how easy it is to achieve everything you truly desire.


·        Is your heart heavy with worry, stress, resentment, despair, anxiety, doubt, frustration, boredom, depression, resistance, confusion, anger or hate?

·        Do you want to release those emotions that weigh heavy upon your soul?

·        How would the scales balance, if you were to “weigh your heart against a feather”?

·        Do you want to achieve the level of personal excellence that brings peace and tranquility, a lightening of your heart?

 Have you ever wondered what the moral of your life’s story is? See Page 95!!

 O’Donnal’s unique “tracking system” helps you discover how each of your experiences, “bad” or “good,” has served as a stepping stone to your dreams. You will discover how to wholly embrace these experiences and how to vividly feel your dreams… you will “become” your dreams.

 About the Author:

 Jeanette O’Donnal is a hypnotherapist and life coach with a healing center in Payson, Arizona. Through carefully positioned questions, she has acquired an uncanny ability to view causes beyond symptoms, intuitively sense the proper course of action and prompt others to find solutions. A mother of seven children and descendent of the great Mayan tradition of wisdom and healing, in this book, O’Donnal combines practical knowledge with an abundance of anecdotes and personal stories.


 The Making of a Master is a special initiation -- your path to personal excellence and transformation of your heart.

 Ancient Egyptians believed the wings of Ma-at (goddess of truth) represented the spirit of justice. The heart (ab) is where the emotional body (ka) and soul (ba) resided. For ultimate life mastery, these ancients were supposed to transcend beyond realms of physical existence through specific initiations that brought about justice and peace. When their heart, weighed against a feather (the symbol of truth), made the scales balance, they were to transcend into immortality.

 In the ancient mystery schools, masters taught neophytes sacred truths. All initiates, including kings, queens, pharaohs, druids, priests, priestesses, chiefs, braves and chelas, received instruction and inspiration through initiation, consisting of spoken words, tasks, quests, chants, and meditations. They were given specific knowledge, motivating them to life mastery. They earned their transcendence by having lived a life of justice, truth and serenity.

 If today you were to weigh your heart against a feather, would the scales balance? Personal excellence brings peace and tranquility, making your heart light. Once all judgment of self has been transcended, the reward is justice.


 If you had to choose between asking yourself “What would I do to make my life better?” or, “What don’t I like about my life?” which question would be easier to answer?

            Like most people, probably you would be able to answer the second question in a matter of seconds. Usually it’s easy to make a list of all the things in your life that you don’t like and that you may wish to change.

            The first question--What would I do to make my life better?--may take much more thought and effort to answer. Indeed, for most of us, it is easy to find fault with other people or circumstances outside ourselves, and far more difficult to create a plan for making personal or internal improvements. Witness the time and effort it takes for a child to build a castle with blocks. Then, one push of a tiny fist is all it takes to make that carefully constructed tower topple over!

            It is no coincidence that you picked up this book and have decided to read it. Obviously, you are ready for a meaningful change. It is also easier than we think, to make those changes.          My dear friend, Jean Warner, puts it beautifully in her book, Messages From The Light:


Many seek to discover their purpose for being. Some feel they are here to learn. You are here to experience, not to learn that which you already know. But remembering what you know--in particular, who you are--will help you to know experientially rather than just conceptually.


            In other words, you are a work in progress; but the only “work” involved is to allow yourself to be open to experiences that will deliver information about “who” you are and why you are here. Sitting in the bleachers and watching the game of life going on around you will not give you those answers. You must get right down there in the playing field and get involved.

            You are about to embark on a new and exciting adventure. Perhaps it will be the most important journey you have ever taken in your entire life, because it will help you to experience what you may already conceptually have understood but have not yet “actualized” or put into action.

            In this book I will share many ancient secrets with you, basic principles which I will call “keys.” It seems that no matter how well we may intellectually “know” these concepts, often we fail to use them. Indeed, it’s as if these principles are so easy, we can hardly believe they will really open the doors to greater happiness, self-fulfillment and personal excellence!

            Please feel free to share these principles with others.

 Key # 1 - The way out of where you find yourself today is through the same door that brought you here.

            That door is you! And regardless of how you may have judged your past experiences, they are what brought you to where you are today.  You will discover how each experience has served as a stepping stone to your dreams. You will discover: 1) how to wholly embrace every experience, and 2) how to vividly feel your dreams… you will become your dreams.

            You will be amazed by your inner power to make changes that will produce everything you desire.

            Does this sounds magical? Well, you are magical!

            There’s a saying that if you want something strongly enough, you will get it. That “wanting” is a feeling so strong, it is often called passion.

            Do you really want to make changes in your life? Are you absolutely certain that you’re ready for a new adventure?

 Key # 2 - Experience teaches in a lifetime what passion can teach in an hour.

            Passion for life is what you are about to realize. This does not mean abandonment of reason or common sense in the reckless pursuit of pleasure. Rather, it is a feeling that bathes your entire being with delight. It is a true “knowing,” through and through, that you can be and do and have whatever you desire.

            Life is a gift of nature. What we do with that gift--how we use it to create a peaceful loving existence, is something all of us can do--if we want to. In time, we receive a second gift as a reward for applying what we know. That reward is the earned gift of wisdom.

Author's bio
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