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Romance Dot Com – Cooking Up A New Life

Romance Dot Com is one of the fastest and easiest ways to virtually fall in love… again… and again.

You may even may end up creating a new and different stew every time--ask Becky Ruff (now Reed).

In the second edition of her little book, Romance Stew: The Way to a Woman's Heart, Becky Ruff-Reed writes:

“In 2007 I converted virtual reality into Real Time Manifestation. Once more I walked down the aisle and pledged marital vows.

”As my family and friends stood on the sidelines witnessing my Whirlwind Romance, they had every right to be astonished. At age 55, already a grandmother and at the point in life when people start to hang out the Resignation shingle, had dear sweet Becky Ruff gone off the deep end?


“Yes, I had.

“I threw myself into this new relationship as if I was love-and-sex-and-marriage starved. I was.

“But: how could I be falling in love again?

“Or: why? How could anyone except me understand that I was determined to prove to myself once and for all that it was possible to have a lasting lawful romantic relationship?"

Here are Becky's comments after her romance dot com saga had run its course:

“My jouney of drama had me 'fall down the rabbit hole' into an alien domain of life with a narcissist, his invalid mother with Asperger's Syndrome, an adult bipolar and alcoholic stepson, a former alcoholic sister-in-law with more than a touch of lasciviousness, and the loss of my own boundaries and belief sysems.

"Romance is all about the paradox of illusion and fortitude to make the most of the path we chose 'somewhere in time.'

"Instead of linking with that amazingly 'perfect' Significant Other, I discovered the paper-thin layers of reality in personal growth and accountability.

“Be wonderfully free to follow your bliss, play hard, and laugh. And when the going gets tough or when fear sets in, choose to connect with the greater wholeness of you:

"Don't be afraid and turn up the volume!”

Romance Stew Ebook

Enjoy A Romance Dot Com Exerpt of Romance Stew

Romance Stew is also available on Amazon Kindle

Also, enjoy Becky Reed's latest Kindle book, Life In The Aftermath Of A Narcissist

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