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The Last Days of Israel
by Barry Chamish
ISBN 1893302164
Dandelion Books

With the Middle-East crisis heating up, The Last Days of Israel takes on even greater significance as the book of our age. Barry Chamish, investigative reporter who has the true story about Yitzak Rabin´s assassination, tells it like it is.

Even working together, Robert Ludlum, Tom Clancy and Costa-Gavras could never concoct a tale as riveting as this true story. The Last Days Of Israel is Barry Chamish's most outspoken book on the subject of Israeli political intrigue and corruption. His previous bestselling books, already strongly impacting readers on three continents, have documented a leadership controlled by dangerous and secretive European and American power brokers, using murder to push “peace” down an unwilling Israeli public´s throat. In The Last Days Of Israel, Chamish names names. He identifies Israel´s hidden enemies and tells readers who really murdered Yizhak Rabin. This is more than a book.  It is a powerful weapon in Israel´s defense. This  revised edition contains the latest updates in an additional chapter, “January, 2001 Commentaries.”

"Barry Chamish rises above the climate of half-truths, innuendos and spin-doctoring to produce a clear and always powerful insight into events in the Middle East.  He deserves to be read by all those who care about the future of Israel.  He flinches at nothing, spares no one and is a constant reminder that there is no substitute for the truth.  Read him and give thanks for all he has written."

-- Gordon Thomas. Gordon Thomas has covered Middle East events for the past quarter century. His latest bestseller, Gideon´s Spies, is the first inside story of Mossad.  It has been published in 31 countries

“There is nobody in the world who has more important and fascinating underground information on Israel and the Middle East than Barry Chamish.His work has become mandatory reading in order to understand the alternative Internet information culture.  He is bluntly honest and pulls no punches.”

-- Robert Sterling, Editor, www.Konformist.com; named by Conspire.com as one of the world's ten greatest conspiracy theorists.

“Barry Chamish has his finger on the pulse of Israel and the world. His books are fascinating reading.”

-- Whitley Strieber, author of Communion, the best selling The Coming Global Superstorm, and the upcoming The Last Vampire.

“A stunning appraisal of an Israel shot-through with corruption at the highest levels and compromised practically every step of the way by a web of international intrigue, corruption, and evil intent.  This is the inside story of a nation betrayed, and now, according to Barry Chamish, apparently in its final stages of existence as we know it.  Barry's guest appearances on my program always yield searingly clear, logical, and deeply disturbing data...and draw raves from our listeners.

“This new book is Chamish at his controversial finest...a must read for anyone remotely interested in Israel and peace on the planet.  Read the table of contents and then try to put this book down...you can't...and you'll quickly see why Barry's journalistic brillance has had such a profound impact on Israel and the current Israeli leadership and its intimate ties to the global elite.  I suggest you run, don't walk to secure your copy.  Barry Chamish is one of the most compelling, meticulously thorough, and brazenly candid investigators of our times.  If you wonder why the Middle East remains in extreme crisis and why we sit on the doorstep of a regional...or world war...this book is mandatory reading.”

--Jeff Rense, The Jeff Rense Program and www.Rense.com

“I would be hard-pressed to find a term other than ‘modern day Israeli prophet´ to describe the essence of Chamish's important contribution to the study and understanding of the forces at war with the Jewish state, internal and external. Put the information in The Last Days of Israel and Israel Betrayed against the predictions he made a decade ago in  The Fall of Israel and what you have is a  ‘modern-day Israeli prophet´ for his people.”

--Joel Bainerman, Author of Crimes Of A President

“Barry Chamish is the bravest investigator I know. He exposes crime and corruption wherever he finds it; from his native Israel, to the top echelons of the United States and the world. If you want to understand what is going on in the Middle East, and why, Barry can tell you.

“His work is not without peril. Colleagues have developed ‘CIA cancer,´ he has had attempts on his life, he has been vilified in the Israeli media, family and friends fear for his safety... but he continues to dig worldwide in a morass of murder, mayhem, malfeasance, manipulation and misinformation.”

--Rayelan Allan, Publisher, RMNews; Author, Diana, Queen of Heaven -- The New World Religion

About the Author:


People ask me, "Why are you still alive?" more than "How are you?" For years, Israeli journalist Barry Chamish has hammered out his Inside Israel newsletter and sent out political exposés to anyone who would read them. Chamish is the most outspoken and document-laden of the dozens of Rabin murder "conspiracy theorists." His previous books, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin; Traitors And Carpetbaggers In The Promised Land; and Israel Betrayed; set the stage for the documented disclosures in The Last Days Of Israel.


Table of Contents

Prologue      ..............................................................................

The Human Price of Rabin´s Truth .........................................  

Chapter 1    Outside In ...............................................................  

The Postman Rang Twice ......................................................  

The Seroussi Bribe ................................................................  

Jews for Haider ....................................................................  

Beware Lieberman ................................................................  

The Rabin Murder Express Rolls Along—
 This Time It´s Eliahu Ben-Elissar ......................................  

Chapter 2    '99 Election Shenanigans .........................................  

Election Hush Words ............................................................  

The Plotters Are Back ...........................................................  

Chapter 3    Going... Going... Golan ...........................................  

Secrets of the Golan ..............................................................  

Why the Golan Squeeze? ......................................................  

Chapter 4    The Formula For Disaster .......................................  

Kosovo: Last Stop Before Jerusalem .....................................  

The Non-Jews Behind Kosovo .............................................  

Chapter 5    Who Killed Cock Rabin? ........................................  

Exposing the Rabin Assassination Truth .................................  

Rabin´s Last Doctor ..............................................................  

Yigal “The Beav” Amir Talks to June
While The Washington Post Happened By ......................  

My Day in Court, Or
How I Learned to Despise the Israeli Judicial System ........  

Gagging on the Protocols .......................................................

Leah Rabin Confesses ...........................................................  

Chapter 6 ............................................................................

Waiting For Raviv to Sing ......................................................  

The Avishai Raviv File ...........................................................  

Let´s Twist the News Again, Like We Did Last Summer ........  

How They Are Playing With Us: Israeli Justice in Action ........  

Raviv Defense Is the Truth .....................................................  

Avishai Raviv Had a Trial - Sort Of .......................................  

Chapter 7    Another French Connection ....................................  

Carmi Gillon´s Attempted Escape ..........................................  

Carmi Gillon´s Pathetic Last Stand .........................................  

Chapter 8    Peres: The Legacy Lingers On .................................  

Rigging the ´96 Elections .......................................................  

The Confessions of Jean Frydman .........................................  

Whatever It Takes, Peres Must Never Be Israel´s President ..  

Peres Trapped By His Own Words .......................................  

Chapter 9         January, 2001 Commentaries…………………..


It´s Your Last Chance, Stupid Jews! .....................................  

Book Reviews ..........................................................................  

A Zionist Looks At Final Judgement ...................................  

Why E.G. Ban Believes Peace Will Never Come to the Middle East              

The Other Rabin Murder Book: Natan Gefen´s The Fatal Sting       

Now There Are Four ............................................................  

Your Brother´s Blood ...........................................................  

Index ………............................................................................



A few months after the assassination in New York of Rabbi Meir Kahane in 1990 by an Egyptian named Nosair, the rabbi´s son Binyamin held a press conference and presented an amazing affidavit, which I was about the only writer to report. It seems the Mossad and FBI were forewarned of the assassination and did nothing to prevent it. An Arab had been planted in Nosair´s political group and was now living in Israel for his protection. He signed the affidavit swearing he had warned his Mossad handlers of the upcoming strike on Rabbi Kahane and they coordinated a strategy with the FBI. The strategy was to let the murder take place.

(Had Nosair been arrested, the World Trade Center bombing by his cohorts may have been prevented, but I digress).

Nosair was not convicted of murdering Kahane. He received a short sentence for a weapons violation and that was that. Only pressure from some New York Orthodox Jewish groups forced a second trial, this time for the shooting of a postman outside the hotel where Meir Kahane spoke. For this crime, Nosair received a lengthy sentence.

I recall that the issue of the postman bothered me. We were told he was shot while trying to apprehend Nosair. Now why would a postman display such altruism when even Kahane´s most fervent supporters were totally disinclined to get themselves shot by an armed murderer?

Fast forward to the recent shootings at the Los Angeles Jewish Community Center. Of course, the shooter had intelligence ties and spent time in federal psychiatric facilities. Now, he hates Jews and wants to kill as many as he can. So he leaves most of his ammunition in his car. Nonetheless, he shoots seventy rounds with no interference but hits only five and none fatally. The injuries are mostly to the legs. The shooter seemed to have been aiming at the floor. If it was fatalities he was after, he went about it in entirely the wrong way.

His gruesome task finished, he ran from the crime scene and shot to kill a postman. This time he aimed with some precision.

The post office is a fine cover for a specialist in bloody covert operations. If the wife and friends ask him what he does, he answers he works for the postal service and has his government checks to prove it. And brave postmen snuffing out escaping murderers is a convenient and almost believable finale to the perfect crime. Unless the shooters recognize the postmen and decide to thwart their plans.

If I was investigating the LA Community Center shootings, the first thing I´d do is dig deep into the past of the mailman. He could well have been another Officer Tippet.


In the past three days I have been overwhelmed with correspondence asking for my take on Eduard Seroussi´s “gifts” to Ezer Weizman. I was reluctant to dive into the subject without current documentation but will do my best with facts already available to me and by using obvious logic.

Of logic, we were originally told that between 1988 and 1991, Weizman received $450,000 from Seroussi as “gifts.” Puleeeaaase!!! No one forks over $450,000 as a gift. We are talking about a bribe and to get to the bottom of the affair, we have to seek what Weizman gave in return.

Yesterday, journalist Yoav Yitzhak revealed that the “gifts” actually began in 1986, when Seroussi gave $6.5 million to Weizman´s Yahad Party. Now we can be sure of two things: That kind of money is not a gift, it´s a bribe and the bribe was political in nature.

Now let´s do a little background research utilizing the talents of writers ostracized by the Israeli establishment.

Prof. Uri Milstein informed me that he has indisputable testimony that in 1977, President Carter forced the newly elected Prime Minister Menachem Begin to appoint Moshe Dayan as his Foreign Minister. Israelis were aghast at the choice because of the fiasco of his performance as Defense Minister prior to and during the Yom Kippur War. Carter and the folks from the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg group who put him in power (Brezhinski and Vance were members of both organizations) had a different outlook: they were grateful for Dayan´s Yom Kippur performance and wanted him in Begin´s cabinet to take their position in upcoming peace negotiations.

When those negotiations began at Camp David in 1979, Ezer Weizman was Begin´s chief negotiator. Dr. Yosef Doriel, the author of a brilliant book on the manipulation of Israel´s economy and a longtime government insider, described the tactics at Camp David to me. Citing high-level personal sources, he assured me that:

“powerful psychology was used on Begin and it included drugging his coffee. Weizman and Dayan were to take Sadat and Carter´s side on all issues, isolating Begin and convincing him that his viewpoint on every issue was wrong.”

Doriel insisted that Weizman´s supposedly unexplainable switch from Likud hawk to Yahad super-dove was not his personal choice, but occurred with the overpowering encouragement of outsiders. One of those outsiders was most certainly the French multi-millionaire Eduard Seroussi, who transferred $6.5 million to Weizman´s political party.

Rabbi Marvin Antelman, author of the widely admired book on the covert war against Judaism, To Eliminate the Opiate, phoned me last night with an observation.

“A number of years ago I was interviewed by a Dutch newspaper and the reporter informed me that Seroussi had attended a recent meeting of the Bilderberg group. He asked if I had any more information on Seroussi´s internationalist activities.”

This is not the place to detail the Bilderbergers´ sinister control of global politics. It would be best for the reader to enter his favorite search engine and find the information himself. Leave it be said that there are strong indications that Weizman is being manipulated by powerful outsiders. It is most unlikely that Seroussi pulled $7 million from his own pocket and handed it over to Weizman. He was merely the conduit for others who chose to invest in Weizman´s political future. Most likely, Seroussi was the point man for the French corruption of Weizman, just as Jean Frydman played the same role with Shimon Peres.

To digress, Jean Frydman, the French media mogul, invested a similar figure, $6.5 million, in a campaign to promote the Oslo Accord in 1994. The same Frydman also paid for the rally where Yitzhak Rabin was murdered in a security services plot in 1995. Thus, it is very safe to say that the French had a serious investment in an Israeli capitulation to the PLO, and the payoff began in late 1989.

It was then that Ezer Weizman initiated the “peace” process with a series of illegal meetings with PLO executives in Geneva, Seroussi´s base. In January 1990, these meetings were leaked and most likely by Shimon Peres...Most likely because Peres exploited the meetings to try and bring down the Shamir government, of which he was a reluctant coalition member, and force new elections. Shamir and Sharon fell into the trap and demanded that then-Science Minister Weizman be removed from the government, and an investigation into his treasonous activities be initiated. And they were treasonous by law because meetings with the PLO were illegal. Peres took Weizman´s side and the government almost fell. However, Shamir caught onto the plot and accepted a compromise, which saw Weizman removed to the outer cabinet.

But the meetings with the PLO continued unabated. An Israeli telecommunications company, Solan, wired a direct link between Weizman and the terrorists and no one in the government chose to cut it off. Joining this link in 1992 were Shimon Peres, Yossi Beilin and Yitzhak Rabin and we know the unfortunate rest. As a reward for his incredibly illegal activities and silence, Weizman was named the country´s President by the “peacemakers.”

Weizman was well rewarded for betraying the law of his nation and last week, after declaring that he would resign the presidency if “peace” isn´t made with Syria, someone leaked the bribes to journalist Yoav Yitzhak. While most of the media are guessing that Ophir Nimrodi leaked out of revenge, a brave few reporters are actually publicly declaring that their information is different. The leaks came from Peres because he wants to take over as President.

It makes the most sense. Peres and Weizman share the same French sugar daddies and were willingly corrupted in precisely the same way. Peres would have known about the bribes and as we all know, he has no second thoughts about ruining other peoples´ careers if it means getting ahead. One example who knows but won´t tell is Yitzhak Rabin.


Once again the mostly gentile powers that be of the New World Order have set up Jews for a fall in Europe. The last time, they placed Jews like Rubin, Cohen, Berger and Albright (whether she recalls it or not) in the visible front line of the atrocities committed against Serbs during the Kosovo War. This time they have us leading the unpopular international protest against the legitimately elected Austrian Freedom Party leader Joerge Haider.

Haider´s real “crimes” are that he is anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-Euro and anti-immigration, a fine package that makes him anti-New World Order. So the Jewish sympathy card has been pulled out to bring him down. Some naive Jews have been sucked in by the organized media barrage against Haider and are playing along. The vast majority are entirely apathetic to Austrian politics, Haider notwithstanding. But the latter will face the same resentment for interfering with a sovereign nation´s political choice as the former. The process is called creating anti-semitism. The methods are well known, and all are being applied to this issue.

Let me state early on that the Austrians are my least favorite people in the world. They were the most vehement of all Nazis and I will never forget the images of Jews being forced to clean the streets of Vienna with their tongues. My good friend, the Orthodox rabbi Mitchell Herczeg, tells me that the only country in the world today where he has felt an overall hatred towards him is Austria, and others who enter the place in Orthodox garb say the same thing. There isn´t nearly enough regret in Austria for its crimes against my people.

That said, the campaign against Haider has nothing to do with me as a Jew. The fact that a proud Jew is a Freedom Party parliamentary member makes a mockery of Haider´s alleged anti-semitism in the first place. I am satisfied with his apology for past remarks that could have been construed as pro-nazi—he didn´t have to apologize, he did, it´s enough for me—as I am with his public request to visit Israel to set matters straight. He´s welcome in my country as far as I´m concerned.

He does not represent Europe´s real threat to Israel, which comes from the very people attacking him. It has been Europe´s socialists and Left which have been Israel´s most dedicated enemies for over a generation. It was the Jewish leader of the Socialist International, the longtime Austrian President Bruno Kreisky, who led the campaign against Israel worldwide during the 1970s and 80s. It was he who constantly demeaned the honorable Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, calling him such memorable epithets as “a village shopkeeper.”

The real anti-semites in Europe are Robin Cooke, who let his true feelings out during recent visits to Israel and Gaza; the French Foreign Ministry, led by the notorious Roland Dumas, which has been secretly colluding with Syria for the past decade to remove Israel from the Golan Heights, Israeli security be damned; it is the Italian Communist Party, which has excused and applauded Arab terrorism against Jews for the past thirty years; and so on. Those who despise Haider despise Israel and that is no coincidence. That they are using Israel and the Jews to spearhead their plan to undermine, then overthrow him, is no less a coincidence.

So far, I have not come across one pro-PLO or pro-Syrian comment by Haider. But the few concerned Austrians roused to protest him are of the style and type who would justify any Arab bloodshed against my country. If, God forbid, I had to make such a choice, I would trust my country´s future more in Haider´s hands than those of his most vocal opponents.

So why must my people be so cynically used, and why must the weakling leader of Israel, Ehud Barak, be placed at the forefront of the anti-Haider movement by his superiors in Europe and America? It all comes down to immigration.

My friend Joel Bainerman has made two trips to Holland in the past year, and he is visiting there right now. He told me that the same incident occurred over and over again to him. He would be walking with his Dutch business associates, they would pass groups of East Asian or African immigrants and they would say, “In twenty years there won´t be a Dutch people anymore. Two thousand years of nation-building will be gone in a generation.”

If one´s goal is to destroy nations in order to build a one continent, then a one world government, attacking the very genetic foundations of the nations´ peoples is the best way to go about things. What will follow will be the inevitable loss of harmony, patriotism, language and culture. To assure that the plan goes through unobstructed, those who express fear of the situation, of the loss of their national integrity, are branded racist. An organized media will wreck the reputation of any person honest enough to express his misgivings about over-immigration, and Haider will remain a lesson for any future public figure, no matter how unbigoted and sincere; if he dares question immigration policy, he will be equated with Hitler in every nation on the planet.

Haider is no ignorant skinhead; 27% of a well-educated nation voted for him and the more Israel and the Jews fight him, the more his popularity will rise...and the more Europeans will resent my people for butting in where they don´t belong.


VP Candidate Joseph Lieberman is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), as are Dick Cheney, and Al Gore. The only candidate not on the members´ list is G.W. Bush Jr. who is a member by proxy. His grandfather Prescott was a CFR pioneer, while dad, George Sr. was an executive of the accursed cult whose aim is a one world government. With only 3000 members, it is clear that only CFR members and loyalists may become President. Last time around the figures were the same, Gore, Dole and Clinton were CFR members. The story has been similar for the past two generations.

Rabbi Marvin Antelman has been fighting the CFR for three decades. In 1972, he submitted a proposal to the Rabbinical Council of America to condemn the CFR and prevent its members from infiltrating Jewish institutions. In 1974, his book To Eliminate the Opiate was published. Long considered a classic in many circles, the book exposed the CFR's program to wipe out Judaism by planting its members throughout Jewish media, charitable and educational institutes.

He called last night to tell me that, “I just went through the CFR roster. Lieberman's name is on the membership list. We're being sold a bill of goods again.”

The CFR's Middle East Task Force Report of July 1997 spells out the organization's position in no uncertain terms; Israel must return to its undefendable 1948 borders and Jerusalem is to be divided into two national capitals. Rabbi Antelman thus doubts the authenticity of Lieberman's commitment to Orthodox Jewry.

“How can you be Orthodox and belong to an organization which promotes the division of Jerusalem and which, in the past, has financially backed such irreligious movements as communism and nazism?” he asks. “The CFR's purpose is to promote and arm violent and disruptive national movements in order to upset the world´s status quo and replace it with their alternative world order. There is no place within for a religious Jew unless he is dangerous window dressing.”

What that will mean for Israel is more suicidal concessions with American Jews unable to accuse the administration of being anti-Israel. The same trick was used in 1972 when CFR executive Henry Kissinger was named Secretary of State. Equally proud of Kissinger as they are of Lieberman today, the Jewish community could not accuse the administration of deliberately trying to eliminate Israel in the Yom Kippur War of 1973, nor could they find sinister motives for the isolation of Israel in the peace process which followed it.

This time around, not only does the current “peace” process get a boost, so does the Hillary Clinton campaign for a New York senatorial seat. And the Jews, so excited by Lieberman's nomination, as usual, do not suspect how cynically they are being set up.

The signs are there for anyone to see. Last year Lieberman welcomed Arafat to America and even prayed for the success of his mission. And he initiated a publicized letter to President Clinton nixing any chance of CFR victim Jonathan Pollard´s release from prison. As The Jerusalem Post noted, Pollard´s website has long accused Lieberman of being “a willing tool of the CIA.”

Sooner or later Lieberman´s possible dual allegiance to America and Israel will become a debating point. Observes Antelman, “And that will miss the real issue, which is Lieberman's allegiance to the CFR. It will prove stronger than all his sentimental ties to America, Israel and to Judaism itself.”


A week after PM Ehud Barak fired seven foreign diplomats, one of them, the Israeli ambassador to France, Eliahu Ben-Elissar was dead. According to The Jerusalem Post:

“The circumstances of his death have sparked a number of rumors. ‘The rumors surrounding his death are vicious,´ a Foreign Ministry spokesman said.”

And why shouldn´t they be? Here is what we have been told. In the morning of Saturday, August 12, Ben-Elissar arrived at the Hotel Atala, a rather obscure and unimposing establishment that for years has been where the Israeli embassy has put up guests and arranged meetings. He was not accompanied by his bodyguards. As Ma´ariv observed:

“In Israel, questions are being asked about the ambassador´s security arrangements. The central question is why Ben-Elissar arrived without his bodyguards, which according to regulations, must accompany him every time he leaves his apartment.”

Missing also, was his French police protection. According to The Jerusalem Post, “A special branch of the French Police usually shadows every move made by VIPs at risk.” But Ben-Elissar´s Israeli and French bodyguards were not anywhere near him, “apparently at his own request.” At noon, Ben-Elissar, aged 68, told hotel staff he wasn´t feeling well. By 1:30 he was dead of a heart attack, though according to one embassy employee quoted by Ma´ariv, “He was in the peak of health. He never complained of poor health and was rarely ill.”

French police conducted a most perfunctory investigation and within hours declared Ben-Elissar´s death natural. Of course, these same police similarly concluded that Princess Diana died in “an accident.” Call it a co-incidence, but on the day of Ben-Elissar´s death, I received the following e-mail, paraphrased because of the halting English:

“I just read your article, ‘Rigged´ How did you know about the French connection to Rabin´s murder? I discovered it three months ago after a discussion with an agent of French Intelligence. It´s all true.”

I suspect so did Ben-Elissar. The only possible reason he would have interrupted his sabbath to go to the hotel was to meet someone. Yet not one press report reached this obvious conclusion, thus no one is asking who the ambassador met on his final morning. Whoever he was, either he was a guest of the Israeli embassy staying at the hotel or was familiar enough with embassy habits to choose it for a fatal meeting.

The following scenario makes the most sense to me with the paucity of information available. At least one French intelligence official has been leaking the fact that his government helped murder Yitzhak Rabin in order to place their agent Shimon Peres in the Israeli Prime Minister´s office. Word reached Barak that Ben-Elissar had been apprised of the truth and he had him recalled. To avert suspicion, he recalled six other diplomats at the same time. But in his last days in Paris, Ben-Elissar continued gathering the facts.

Ben-Elissar was lured to the hotel with the promise of additional proofs and told that he must arrive without any security. Once there, the “informant” spiked his coffee or utilized another means to initiate a mortal cardiac arrest.

One more influential individual who knew too much about Rabin´s assassination then bit the dust. And when will it all end?

 * * *

The panic to stanch the Rabin truth can be gauged by my experience. Last month, an attempt on my life was made by sabotaging my car. The next day, I had a long talk with my insurance adjuster who explained in detail how the sabotage was accomplished. Two days ago, the insurance company sent a letter explaining my accident was the result of mechanical failure. I phoned my insurance company and demanded the adjuster´s report. It has not been forthcoming. Photographs of the car´s damage, sent last week from Bet Shemesh, have not arrived. Nor have photographs of police surrounding me at a Tel Aviv rally, sent two weeks ago by a correspondent, arrived.

Yesterday morning there was a knock on my door. I looked through the keyhole and saw a husky young man. I asked who he was. He answered, “A friend.” I replied, “Which friend?” Then he ran away. I opened the door after a few seconds and he was nowhere to be seen.

The Rabin truth must emerge before more people, yours truly included, are murdered.

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