Ghostwriting Fees
Ghostwriting fees are usually based on the nature of the work to be performed as well as the estimated time required for completion.
Over the years, I've learned that it is extremely important to begin my discussion with a potential client by explaining to them exactly what ghostwriting involves.
What does a ghostwriter do?
Following are the steps I take with my client after I sign a contract with them:
Set up a time to meet with them vis-à-vis to spend 4-5 full working days recording all the material for the book.
Request all the supportive documents, written material, graphics and other resource items that the client may wish to include in the book; deliver these to me during my visit (or they can mail them to me shortly thereafter).
Upon returning from my visit with the client, I transcribe the recorded sessions and start to organize the material into categories.
At the same time, I organize the supplemental material into categories that can be integrated with the transcribed material.
At that point, I can visualize the structure of the book.
I set to work organizing the book chapters or divisions.
I then “weave” together all of the material by moving through it categorically; sorting, discarding, making notes about areas where I need more input from the client, etc.
I proceed to develop the first 50 pages of the book, which I send to the client for their input.
I make the necessary adjustments and then I develop the first draft of the entire work.
Upon completion (it will have been proofed several times already), I send that draft to the client.
The client reviews it carefully and then we work together to make the revisions.
The client sends me the revised document.
I make the necessary adjustments and then return the completed second draft to the client.
The client reviews the second draft and makes other adjustments and editorial changes.
After receiving the second draft, I make these adjustments, carefully proofread the finished manuscript several times and make the necessary corrections, then send it to the client. At this point it is considered a finished work.
If the client wishes to make more adjustments, I charge an hourly rate for these additional ghostwriting fees until we have satisfactorily completed the process.
The work is now ready for publication; my clients have the option of co-publishing with Dandelion Books.
More Information About Ghostwriting Fees
Even More Information About Ghostwriting Fees
Carol Adler is SelfGrowth.com's Professional Ghostwriting Expert
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